Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Myths & Truths of MMJ


Welcome back to MMJ Dr Mom’s page, where we discuss the Myths and Truths about the least toxic medicinal plant known to man, Cannabis. That’s right, in 5,000 years of use in medicine; around the world, Cannabis hasn’t a single case in which the plant itself has been cause for Death. NOT ONE!!! When you think of the Hundreds of Thousands of people who are dying from Pharmaceutical medicines every year, some people; such as myself, find themselves in a battle against the US DEA, who has now tried to convince us all that it is an “Evil Plant” that should be eradicated from the earth. They forget to mention that their own “hand picked” judge ruled AGAINST the Schedule I substance classification for “Marijuana”. (A “Mexican-sounding” name given to the plant by the US government in the early 20th century)

Patients have been suffering and DYING needlessly ever since the US Government chose to declare War on this plant. But a Revolution has begun!!!  A Revolution to spread the TRUTH, and to uncover the LIES about this INNOCENT Plant, is spreading across our great nation as we speak. Even the PBS & History Channel stations have now conducted and shown their own Specials on the Medical Marijuana Industry because millions of Americans want to know more. More about his plant that some say can heal the sick, yet the DEA will throw you in jail for possessing it. What the %#@*?!!!  The Greatest Oxymoron of our time!

TRUTH is that some people do really STUPID things while they are “high” on cannabis, and because of those poor choices of action, some get hurt, maybe even killed. The plant itself did not harm them. TRUTH is that not all people can use/consume cannabis, just like not all people can consume/use nut products; or anything touched by nuts. If you are allergic to it, it will have unpleasant side effects for you! Again I say, not one single case of “Death by Cannabis” in 5,000 years, yet the same cannot be said for nuts.  J

TRUTH be told, most kids who have tried cannabis first, then moved on to other harder and much more dangerous drugs, were most likely never talked to by their parents about the MAJOR difference between doing drugs/other things that can KILL you, and doing drugs/other things that may not be killers yet require self control, limitations and regulations. MYTH tells us that it is the “Gateway Drug” that leads our children into using the KILLER Drugs like Cocaine, Meth, Heroin, Spice, Bath Salts, and so on…
It is the lack of Education by Parents and Teachers to teach our kids the difference. We have finally begun talk about Sex Education, why do we still hesitate to talk about Drug Education?

You could ask either one of my kids which drugs they are allowed to have and which they aren’t allowed, and they could explain to you the difference between Killer Drugs, and those which may alter your mind yet will not harm your body; if not allergic. They could tell you how the energy drinks that our kids are drinking, by the case each month, are more harmful to them than consuming cannabis; because at least cannabis has medicinal qualities, the drinks don’t. Finally, they would tell you that there isn’t any subject that we cannot talk about. (Life is hard enough, don’t leave them guessing about some of the most important parts; “taboo subjects”.) That’s how most get into trouble! Kids are Curious!!! Be a realist when it comes to your kids please, I beg of you, we all have done really stupid things with our friends because we were curious, right?!

Please, be a “MYTH Buster” and explain the TRUTHS to your kids before they go out and find out for themselves through trial and error. It could kill them if you don’t! The worst that could happen with cannabis is either they have an allergic reaction; causing vomiting or headache, or they get too “high” and need sleep it off. That’s it! Only death if they choose to be stupid, like driving while under the influence of any substance that affects your mind! (Alcohol is still the #1 killer on the roads.)

“It takes a village to raise a child” because Knowledge = Success and not any 1person can know everything there is to know about life. Life is a group of experiences shared by humanity. (Maybe you prefer “2 minds are better than 1”) Lastly, if your child comes to you with a question, or it may be your own, about the MYTHS and TRUTHS of Cannabis (aka Marijuana) that you don’t know the answer to, search out the answer for yourself! Don’t just believe someone else’s OPINION on the subject.

The “War on Drugs” has lead many of us astray. (More on that another day….) Don’t just drive down that road because it seems easier to follow everyone else, it could be the road to unhappiness. Do your own research! There is plenty of resources on the subject that weighs BOTH the Pros and the Cons, allowing you to judge for yourself. I truly believe that the good lord would not have created such an incredibly useful plant, for all living creatures, not just man, if it were truly meant to be just an “Evil Weed”. Hemp/Cannabis seeds are also preferred as Food, by fish and birds as well. (An old fisherman’s secret to catching lots of fish.) It has now been scientifically proven to be one of the worlds’ Super foods. That’s right, but that’s another subject for another day. Until then…

Peace and Love to you all, and may your days be filled with “gems” of knowledge.  J

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