Thursday, November 10, 2011

Does Alzhiemers Run In Your Family?

Does Alzheimer's run in your family? It does mine. My great grandfather was stricken with Alzheimer's before he passed away, when I was young. It was very difficult for me to understand why my grandpa no longer knew who I was when we visited him. He no longer spent time telling us stories of when he was younger, and did so many things.
I wonder if he ever heard of Hemp and its benefits toward Alzheimer's. He was around in the days when our nation called to all farmers to grow as much as they could for the war, but was he aware of its medicinal uses? I have now studied the science of Cannabis, and have learned that those who are genetically more likely to be stricken with this neurological disorder can prolong the onset of the disorder by consuming Cannabis from the age of 30, on through life. Possibly even prolonging it indeffinatly.
It has also proven to improve memory in those suffering from it. I would have loved to have made some goodies that he could have enjoyed eating, and then to have sat down with him and listened as he told his stories again. Would have been worth every minute!
I now am a Patient for many reasons. Reasons that the doctors can see on my MRIs, and for reasons like my genetic family history. What ever your reason may be, just know that you are justified if Cannabis helps you too, like no Rx from the Doctor ever has. The DEA knows that it has Medicinal Applications, it simply will not admit to it.

I love you all! Until next time....